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NOTIS News Quarterly 2022

The Northwest Linguist 2021

The Northwest Linguist 2020

The Northwest Linguist 2019

The Northwest Linguist 2018

The Northwest Linguist 2015-2016

The Northwest Linguist 2014

  • Volume 28, No. 1, Spring 2014
    Colleagues: Friends of Foes?; A Message from the NOTIS President; Court Interpreter (WITS) Division News; The New Spanish Interest Group; International Translation Day; NOTIS Advocacy Committee News; WASCLA Tools for Health; MedSIG (Medical Interpreters Division) is on a Roll!; Meet Your Board Members; Exciting Website Changes!; Professional Voice Care for Interpreters; Tasteful Translations with; We Need You!; Events Calendar

The Northwest Linguist 2013

  • Volume 27, No. 1, Winter 2013
    A Farewell to Katrin Johnson of the AOC; Letter from the NOTIS President / the WITS President; Our Neighbors to the North: STIBC; The WITS/NOTIS Holiday Party; Zulema Borges: A Life Well Lived; Team Players; The Annual NOTIS Meeting; Calendar
  • Volume 27, No. 2, Spring 2013
    Medical Terminology for Translators and Interpreters; Letter from the NOTIS President; Letter from the WITS President; Meet Our Members: Diane Schneider; An Encouraging Send Off - New Court Interpreters; WITS Annual Meeting; Ask Us: Cat Tool Clues; Wordfast Studio Workshop; Events Calendar
  • Volume 27, No. 3, Summer 2013
    Fresh Eyes: A Translator’s Checklist; Letters from the NOTIS President/WITS President, Meet Our Members: Cyrus Khatibi; WITS Annual Meeting; Interpreting Issues; Do You Blog?; The Ethics Corner; Ask Us: Cat Tool Clues; Calendar of Events
  • Volume 27, No. 4, Fall 2013
    When Translations Go Awry; NOTIS/WITS Information; Message from NOTIS President; Message from WITS President; Tips to Ensure Good Translations; Meet Nicole Y.Chae-Lee; International Translation Day; Ethics Corner; Calendar & Announcements

The Northwest Linguist 2012

  • Volume 26, No. 1, Winter 2012
    It Takes Two to Tango but Three to Interpret; Meet Our Members: Eunyoung Kim; The Asian and Pacific-Islander Women’s Center and Chaya; NOTIS/WITS Party; Consecutive Interpreting: Is There a Better Mouse-Trap? Business Savvy for the Freelance Interpreter; Membership Information
  • Volume 26, No. 2, Spring 2012
    Make yourself shine on the new NOTIS website, NOTIS/WITS Information, Message from WITS President, Message from NOTIS President, Meet Our Members: Kenneth Barger, What do I do with my Mexicanisms?, The dangers of self, Moving and Nonmoving violations, Arabic Contest, NOTIS MedSIG Seminar
  • Volume 26, No. 3, Summer 2012
    The Twentieth Anniversary of King County; Interpreter Services; Message from NOTIS President; Message from WITS President; The WITS Annual Meeting; Meet Our Members: Fumi Janssen; Chaya Volunteer Training; International Translation Day; "Insatisfait" - A Poem; Cultural Breakdown; Translator/Interpreter Blogs; Bilingual Forensic Transcripts for the Twenty-first Century; NOTIS and WITS Calendar
  • Volume 26, No. 4, Fall 2012
    International Translation Day; NOTIS/WITS Information; Message from NOTIS President; Message from WITS President; NOTIS/WITS Picnic; Meet our Members: María Dopp; You Want to Be Included, Enit?; Upcoming Local Events; International Translation Day Photos; Calendar; Publication Data

The Northwest Linguist 2011

  • Volume 25, No. 1, Winter 2011
    "The New Spanish Orthography", "Letter to the Editor", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Letter from the WITS President", " An Exploration of Language and Etymology", "WITS Advocacy 2011", "Meeting our Members: Virginia Anderson", "WA Interpreters Face Two National Healthcare Interpreter Certifications", "What is This List?", "What is the NOTIS Chinese SIG?", "The ATA Webinar Series", "The Research Route", "New NOTIS Board Members."
  • Volume 25, No. 2, Spring 2011
    "Letter from the NOTIS President", "ATA Adopts New Code of Ethics", "Words, Words, Words", "NOTIS on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter", "NOTIS Visits Portland", "In Memoriam: Eva Combs", "Letter from the WITS President", "WITS?NOTIS Members Among Early AmazonCrossing Contributors", "ProZ Webinars", "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about HIPAA!", "WSBA Looking for Volunteer Interpreters", "Dear Editor: National Certification for Healthcare Interpreters: Another Viewpoint, Part I: A Holiday."
  • Volume 25, No. 3, Summer 2011
    "Meet our Members: Katrin Rippel", "WITS Annual Meeting", "Letter from the WITS President", "Jurassic Parliament: Why Interpresters and Translators should learn about Robert's Rules of Order", "Dear Editor: National Certification for Healthcare Interpreters: Another Viewpoint, Part 2: Comparing the Tests."
  • Volume 25, No. 4, Fall 2011
    "Kenneth Barger", "Message from WITS President", "Meet Our Members: Deidre Murano", "We Are All Business", "NOTIS/WITS Picnic", "Message from NOTIS President", "Lorane West", "NOTIS: MedSIG", "WASCLA Summit VII", "NOTIS Annual Meeting"

The Northwest Linguist 2010

  • Volume 24, No. 1, Winter 2010
    "Understanding Certification of Healthcare Interpreters", "Cultural Corner", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Team Interpreting and Ethics Workshop", "Meeting Our Members: A Godly Education - Meeting Ellen M. Whiting", "In Memoriam: Alex Mosalsky."
  • Volume 24, No. 2, Spring 2010
    "Letter from the WITS President", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Cultural Corner", "The ATA Spanish Division Mid-Year Conference", "Purposeful and not so Purposeful Ambiguity", "Meeting Our Founding Members: Mary Martí"
  • Volume 24, No. 3, Summer 2010
    "Letter from the WITS President", "Cultural Corner", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", "Advocacy Notes", "The Ethics Corner: When Interpretations are Interrupted by Objections", "Meeting Our Members: Sailing the Waters of Cultures – Meeting Toby Kawahigashi", "The Research Route."
  • Volume 24, No. 4, Autumn 2010
    "Letter from the WITS President", "International Translators Day", "A Pyrrhic Victory", "The Research Route", "Meeting Our Members: Katrin Johnson", "A Man of the People: Paying Homage to El Centro de la Raza's Robert Maestas 1938-2010", "Cultural Corner", "NOTIS and WITS Summer Picnic (Photos)"

The Northwest Linguist 2009

  • Volume 23, No. 1, Winter 2009
    "Letter from the WITS President", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Importance of Software Localization Training", "Court Interpreter Continuing Education", "Meeting Our Members: Cultural Treasure Box - Meeting Ginger Wang."
  • Volume 23, No. 2, Spring 2009
    "Letter from the WITS President", "Cultural Corner", "WITS Gets Involved!", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "The Benefits of the $10 Website", "Life after Certification: Becoming an Invisible Interpreter", "Bellevue Community College T&I", "In Memorium: Steven Kimball, Suzanne Weinmann", "Meeting our Members: Message on Vision and Realization — Meeting Jonas Nicotra", "Joke Box."
  • Volume 23, No. 3, Summer 2009
    "Not Guilty – Or Innocent?", "Letter from the WITS President", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Same Goal, Different Approaches: A National Overview of Court Certification Requirements", "Across: An Exciting New Computer Assisted Translation Tool", "Cultural Corner", "Jokebox (cartoon)", WITS?NOTIS Picnic 2009", "Meeting Our Members: Virtuoso in Music and of Words – meeting Vania H. K. Haam" "Workshop Duo in Oregon:Contracts and the Freelance Translator & Interpreter and Practical Matters of Literary Translation."
  • Volume 23, No. 4, Fall 2009
    "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Jokebox", "Letter from the WITS President", "Interpretation Ethics Debate – A Response", "The Magic of WASCLA", "Go Global, Be Local: A new alliance between NOTIS and the World Trade Center Tacoma (WTCTA)", "Start Behaving like a Business ", "Meeting Our Members: Soul language in the face of war – meeting Faiza Sultan", " NOTIS Election for the Board 2010: Candidate Statement", "Cultural Corner."

The Northwest Linguist 2008

  • Volume 22, No. 1, Winter 2008
    "NOTIS Annual Meeting Report", "NOTIS President Address", "NOTIS Annual Meeting", "An Invitation to Join Outreach Effort", "Cultural Corner", "Election Results", "The Accidental Translator", "Meeting the Members: From Tertulia to WITS: Meeting Maria Elena Tremaine", "Joke Box."
  • Volume 22, No. 2, Spring 2008
    "LAP, LEP and 2176…. Oh My!", "Joke Box", "Letter from the WITS President", "Professionalism: a laudable goal", "WITS Workshop: How to Succeed at the Written Exam for Court Interpreters", "Cultural Corner", "Tips for those Seeking to take the Washington State Oral Certification Exam", "Meeting Our Members: “Children of the Tide” – meeting Andrea Brugman."
  • Volume 22, No. 3, Summer 2008
    "National Certification for Healthcare Interpreters under Development", "For the Record: The Truth about State Certification Exams", "NCIHC Developing Standards for Training Programs", "WITS 20th Annual Meeting and Consecutive Note-Taking Workshop", "WITS 20th Annual Meeting Photos", "Cultural Corner", "Mario Flores bids Colleagues Farewell: An Open Letter", "Laura Wideburg awarded "Best Books" Translation Prize", "Meeting our Members: Settling History and Culture: Radu Ivan."
  • Volume 22, No. 4, Fall 2008
    "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Letter from the WITS President", "Photos: NOTIS & WITS 20th Anniversary Celebration!", "King County Bar Needs Volunteer Interpreters", "Joke Box", "Court Interpreter Program Update", "Localization and Professional Development", "Past Experience and Future Opportunities", "Meeting our Members: Man of Many Hats - meeting Jean Leblon", "NOTIS Election for the Board: Candidate Statements", "Cultural Corner."

The Northwest Linguist 2007

  • Volume 20, No. 1, Winter 2007
    "Letter from the WITS President", "Project Management and Quality Control in Translation: Tips from the Experts at the ATA National Conference", "Important Information on Exams, Classes and Workshops for Interpreters from Korean, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese who work in Oregon and Washington", "Literary Translators in the Northwest: A Recap of the 29th Annual Conference of the American Literary Translators Association", "Meeting Our Members: Helen M. Szablya – Freedom is an Experience", "Dinosaurs and Sushi: The Holiday Potluck", "An Event to Remember: the Holiday Potluck Seen from an Intern’s Perspective."
  • Volume 20, No. 2, Spring 2007
    "The Transfer of the Translation & Interpretation Institute to Bellevue Community College", "Northwest Linguist Editor’s Translation Good Night, My Darling in Bookstores", "Letter from the WITS President", "THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS: Lobbying the Washington State Legislature on behalf of Interpreters", "Excerpts from testimony by Jim Roe, Kenneth Barger and Linda Noble: State of Washington House Judiciary Committee hearing on HB 2176", "Meeting our Members: Interpreting and Globetrotting: Pablo C. Chang-Castillo", "I could IM you this on the QT, but I’ll write this article instead, FYI."
  • Volume 20, No. 3, Summer 2007
    "$2 Million to Improve Interpreter Services", "Ask the Expert", "Cultural Corner", "Infection Control for Medical Interpreters: Recap of the May 3 MedSIG Forum", "Meeting our Members: A Missionary Life", "Much more than a Conference: Interpreters and providers working together to ensure language access for limited English proficient individuals in Washington State", "A Weekend of Trados Workshops", "2007 NAJIT Conference held in Portland", "Annual WITS Meeting in Seattle's International District"
  • Volume 21, No. 4, Fall 2007
    "WASCLA Summit III Report", "Meeting the Members: Meeting the Shunras", "Cultural Corner", "Letter from the WITS President", "A provider’s account of WASCLA Summit III", "Is Translation Literature? International Translation Day with Jean Leblon", " NOTIS Board Elections Candidate Statements", "UN Hopes to Promote Global Understanding Through Language", "The Agnese Haury Institute: An Oregon Interpreter’s Perspective"

The Northwest Linguist 2006

  • Volume 19, No. 1, Winter 2006
    "Letter from the Outgoing SOMI President", "Letter from the WITS President", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Scandinavia meets Asia in the Pacific Northwest", "ATA Conference DVD Lending Policy Announcement", "Outreach Committee Requests your Participation", "1962 to 1988 to 2005: ATA Returns to Seattle", "Bush's Push for Language Learning", "The Tech World Revealed to the Novice at ATA 2005", Joint Holiday Party, Annual Meeting and ATA 2005 Photographs, "Meeting Our Members: Potatiskorv on the Table Continued..."
  • Volume 19, No. 2, Spring 2006
    "Meeting Our Members: Language Beyond Words", "WITS Outreach Committee Report", "Scandinavia Meets Asia in the Pacific Northwest", "Technology meets Commerce meets Culture! Managing Global Web Sites and E-Commerce: Report from the Conference."
  • Volume 19, No, 3, Summer 2006
    Announcement of International Translators Day 2006: Many Languages, One Profession", WITS Annual Meeting Photographs, "The ATA Spanish/Portuguese Language Division Conference", "Meeting Our Members: Living Cultural Diversity", "Local International Translators Day Program", "NOTIS Hosts Table for ALTA Conference", "Washington State Court Interpreter Commission", "Huan Ting! Välkommen! Welcome to Scandinavia Meets Asia in the Pacific Northwest!"
  • Volume 19, No, 4, Fall 2006
    "Creating a Registered Category of Interpreters", "Introducing ERGA", "NOTIS President Address", "WITS Outreach Committee Report", "Meeting our Members: Vadim Zima", "International Translators Day", "Two International Translators Day Workshops", "All About Localization", "2006 NOTIS Board Elections Candidate Statements", International Translators Day Photographs.


  • Volume 18, No. 1, Winter 2005
    "Get 'Em While They're Young: Teaching Interpretation in High School", "From the NOTIS President and Vice-President", "Letter from the WITS President", Joint Holiday Party Potluck Photographs, "Congratulations to the Newest Certified Court Interpreters", "Computer Skills and Translation Tools Workshops at BCC", "Announcement to the Members of WITS, SOMI and NOTIS", "2004 WITS Outreach Committee Activities", "Sick of Clueless Clients?", "2005 Year of Languages: Proclamation by the Board of Directors of the Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society."
  • Volume 18, No. 2, Spring 2005
    "Noam Chomsky at the University of Washington", "Letter from the WITS President", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "Letter from the SOMI President", "At WITS' End", "Report on the Saturday Summit", "Interpreter Payment Policy of the Washington Worker's Compensation Program Labor & Industries (L&I)", "ATA Financial Conference: Now on CD-ROM!", "Movie Review: The Interpreter", "Public Speaking for Interpreters and Translators: A Saturday Workshop this Summer", "Interpreter Training", "Ann Macfarlane Conferred ATA Honorary Membership."
  • Volume 18, No. 3, Summer 2005
    "Fake Check Scams Aimed at Translators", "Report from the Executive Secretary: Summer Developments Among NOTIS, SOMI and WITS", "Message from the NOTIS President", "Newsletter Naming Contest", "What is Wrong with the Use of the Terms 'Deaf-mute,' 'Deaf and dumb,' or 'Hearing-impaired'?", "WITS Advocacy Committee", "The Translation and Interpretation Institute Fall Workshops", "News from the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators", "Highlights of Civil and Criminal Law and Ethics", "Message from the WITS President"
  • Volume 18, No. 4, Autumn 2005
    "East of the Mountains: A Report on the Ethics and Legal Terminology Workshop", "OUTREACH: Reach out and Touch US", "Review: Consortium Seminar in Seattle", "Letter from the NOTIS President", "The (Unofficial) Arabic Language Division Meeting: Seattle - November 2005", "Candidate Statements", "In Memoriam: John F. Szablya"

NOTIS News 2004

  • Volume 17, No. 1, Winter 2004
    "From the New NOTIS President", "Tombstones in Seattle: Art, Poetry and Pro Bono Translation Come Together", "The Translation and Interpretation Institute: A Student's Perspective", "NOTIS Members in the News", "NOTIS Annual Meeting and ATA Recap 2003", "Why Teach Translation and Interpreting?", "Frequently Asked Questions about the ATA Mentoring Program"
  • Volume 17, No. 2, Spring 2004
    "Far Flung Associates", "Traffic is a Good Thing!", "Directory Update", "ATA is coming!", "The Association of Swedish Translators in North America has its home here in the Pacific Northwest", Biennial Picnic Preview
  • Volume 17, No. 3, Summer 2004
    "Tapping Into the Olympic Spirit: The Pillars of Translation", "Address to NOTIS Members", "Translation & Interpretation Institute Course Schedule", "Special Event: Harry Obst on Diplomatic Interpreting", "Membership Drive"
  • Volume 17, No. 4, Autumn 2004
    "From the NOTIS President, Larissa Kulinich", "International Translators Day Event, September 18, 2004", "Our World is Two-Dimensional and We Think Vertically!", "The Business of Translation and Interpreting Seminar", "JLD Activities at 2004 ATA Conference", "Text to Speech Summary (A Report From the ATA 2004 Conference)"

NOTIS News 2003

  • Volume 16, No. 1, Winter 2003
    "NOTIS Event Report: ATA Recap", "Needle in a Haystack or Information at Your Fingertips?", "A Unique Institution for Unique Needs: The Translation and Interpretation Institute at Bellevue Community College in 2003", "I-JET 14: Journey to Dublin"
  • Volume 16, No. 2, Spring 2003
    "ATA Spanish Division Conference in San Antonio, Texas", "Zetzsche's May 17th Presentation Kicks Off Chinese SIG (Special Interest Group)", "Some Practical Tips for Translators and Project Managers: How to Get the Most out of Your Computer and Translation Tools", "NAJIT in Nashville".
  • Volume 16, No. 3, Autumn 2003
    "International Translators Day Celebration with Dr. Judith Shapiro: Two Reviews", "Are You One of Us?", "Lively Morning Discussion Starts off International Translation Day Event"

NOTIS News 2002

  • Volume 15, No. 1, Spring 2002
    "In an Interesting Time...", "DSHS Update", "Special Events in May", "NOTIS Annual Meeting and ATA Recap", "Health Hints: Muscle Tensions and Stress Reduction", "UW Software Localization Certificate", "NOTIS Directory Mailing Party 2002: There is no Ambiguity in Stuffing Envelopes"
  • Volume 15, No. 2, Summer 2002
    "Greetings from the New NOTIS President", "New Online, Searchable Directory is Unveiled", NOTIS Workshop Reports: "Quality and Productivity Workshop", "Specialized Computer Tools for Translation", "Health Panel"
  • Volume 15, No. 3, Fall 2002
    "Interpreting, Not Regurgitating, by Johann Paoletti-Schelp", "I Would Have Had a FIT (had I not attended the XVI World Conference)!", "A Translators & Interpreters Day Treat", "Laura Wolfson Shares an Interpreter's Journey at the International Translators Day Event", "2002 Elections: Candidate Statements"

NOTIS News 2001

  • Volume 14, No. 1, Spring 2001
    "Support Your Local Professional Groups: Gain Visibility as a Translator", "From The NOTIS Board of Directors: New Year’s Resolutions & Ave Atque Vale", "Electronic Distribution of NOTIS News"
  • Volume 14, No. 2, Summer 2001
    "Terminology Management: The Final Frontier", "From the Board: So Long But Not Goodbye; How do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Hours; Fresh Ideas, Fresh Faces", "Meeting Review: Editing Workshop in Bellingham", "NEA Grants for Translation"
  • Volume 14, No. 3, Fall 2001
    "2005 ATA Conference likely in Seattle", "ATA Reception Photo Gallery", "Meeting Review: More Than Words", "Recipe: Shungiku Salad"
  • Volume 14, No. 4, Winter 2001
    "International Translators Day Celebration with Seattle Opera Surtitler: 'If I translate word for word…'", "Remarks On International Translators and Interpreters Day by Ann G. Macfarlane", "NOTIS Annual Meeting: Board of Directors Election", "Candidates for the Board of Directors 2002"

NOTIS News 2000

  • Volume 13, No. 1, Spring 2000
    "Recap of the 40th Annual ATA Conference: I Might Have Offered to Eat my Hat", "Am I a Techie Yet?", "NOTIS: ATA's Newest Chapter"
  • Volume 13, No. 2, Summer 2000
    "NOTIS Now ATA Chapter: 'Welcome Aboard!", "The NOTIS White Papers: The Masses to Educate the Masses", "The National Council on Interpretation in Health Care (NCIHC) Equal Access for Patients With Limited English Proficiency", "Myth and Reality of Machine Translation - Will Computers Take Your Job?", "NAJIT Brain Twister of the Month"
  • Volume 13, No. 3, Fall 2000
    "Is Yokohama Worth a Visit?", "President Clinton Replies to Letter on Machine Translation", "Meeting Review: SIG Joins Sts. Cyril and Methodius Day Celebration", "Artful Dodge: Lively, eclectic, and translation-friendly", "How to Run Great Meetings"
  • Volume 13, No. 4, Winter 2000
    "41st Annual ATA Conference Recap: Into the 21st Century", "Meeting Review: From Bremerton to Beaverton" (Picnic review with color photos), "T&I Institute at BCC Awards 9 Certificates of Accomplishment", "TWO LINES: A Call For Submissions", "AFTI Scholarship"

NOTIS News 1999

  • Volume 12, No. 1, Spring 1999
    "ATA Recap: Surfing, Browsing and Synergy at Hilton Head", "Meeting Report: NOTIS Annual Meeting: October 15, 1998", "An Open Letter to NOTIS", "Ten Years Later.../'See-Thru' Terminology"
  • Volume 12, No. 2, Summer 1999
    "A Translator's Fable", "Meeting Report: Searching the Internet", "Contracts and Networking in Portland", Three Lessons Applied to One Test, or Surviving ATA Accreditation", "Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis...", "'Active Status' What Does it Mean to Me?", "Cascadia Honyaku Gathering: A Stress-free Zone", "Translators on the Net"
  • Volume 12, No. 3, Autumn 1999
    "NOTIS and the ATA - The Next Chapter?", "First NOTIS Networking Session in Portland: Icing on the Cake", "'Contract Negotiating' Workshop: A Success in Portland", "Book Review: The Changing Scene in World Languages"
  • Volume 12, No. 4, Winter 1999
    "NOTIS-WITS Job Fair", "Y2K Resources Online", "Internet Resources for English Writing", "ATA Chapterhood for NOTIS: Pros and Cons", "NOTIS Slavic SIG - Moving Ahead"

NOTIS News 1998

  • Volume 11, No. 1, Spring 1998
    "NOTIS Annual Meeting Toasts Positive Trends", "Where Were You Ten Years Ago?", ATA Test Practice Workshop, "NOTIS LitSIG Flourishes"
  • Volume 11, No. 2, Summer 1998
    "The NOTIS Story: NOTIS Then and Now", "Hey, Mind Your Own Business!" Book Review: Runemaker: A Margit Andersson Mystery by Tiina Nunally!, "Pine Trees, Palmettos and Pelicans", "Prepare for the Great Crash", "Brokerage Coming Soon?"
  • Volume 11, No. 3, Autumn 1998
    "Eve Lindemuth Bodeux, Language Management International, Speaks at Special NOTIS Gathering", Election '98, "Tenth Anniversary NOTIS Picnic a Big 'Hit'!", "ATA for the 21st Century: Where Should We Be Headed?", "Wild Tales from the Carolinas", "In Memoriam: Bill Bertsche"
  • Volume 11, No. 4, Winter 1998
    "Choose Your Cult: Poverty or Pride in Performance", Reviews from Cascadia '98

NOTIS News 1997

  • Volume 10, No. 1, January/February 1997
    "ATA Recap: Shaping the Future", "Bilingual Glossaries of Medical Terminology", "Do You Have the Makings of a Translator?"
  • Volume 10, No. 2, March/April 1997
    "Forward/Foreword/Foreward/Forword or Love Thy P^roofreader", "Book Review: 'The Translator's Handbook' by Morry Sofer", "ATA Accreditation Test Workshop Review", "DSHS Update", "Web Resources"
  • Volume 10, No. 3, May/June 1997
    "What are the Benefits of a Mutual-Benefit Association?", "Meeting Review: Résumé Preparation and NOTIS Directory Listing", "The Certification Blues: Pitfalls and Peaks Along the Road to Certifying Medical Interpreters", "The Professionals Speak Out" (Letter to Governor Locke), "Computer Insurance for Freelancers"
  • Volume 10, No. 4, July/August 1997
    "Seeking Answers to Serious Questions: NAJIT Conference Panel on Ethical Questions Draws Attentive Crowd", "Meeting Review: Transferring Files via E-mail", "The Court Certification Examinations"
  • Volume 10, No. 5, September/October 1997
    "The BBS is Gone! Long Live the BBS!", "Résumés for Freelance Translators", "Secrets of Financial Survival: Invoicing and the Big Picture", "Attention All LitSIG Members"
  • Volume 10, No. 6, November/December 1997
    "The News from the ATA", "Proudly We Hail", "Remarks by President Ann G. Macfarlane, ATA Conference, November 6, 1997", Meeting Review: SOMI First Medical Regional Conference: "Legal Support for the Provision of Interpreter Services in Medical Settings", "Secrets of Financial Survival", "Networking is a Way of Life", "A Newcomer's Perspective", "Webwise", "NOTIS News Upgrades"

NOTIS News 1996

  • Volume 9, No. 4, July/August 1996
    "Round-Table Discussion on Literary Translation", "Meeting Review: What You Need to Connect to the Internet", "Internet Resources for Translators", "STIBC to Host 4th Biennial Cascadia Conference", "Internet Sites of Interest", "Cyber News"
  • Volume 9, No. 5, September/October 1996
    "Better Than a Root Canal? NOTIS Board Seeks Member Input on Bylaws Revision", "Meeting Review: NOTIS Fourth Annual NOTIS Picnic: Multilingual in Every Way", "Getting the Most from Your Local Printshop"
  • Volume 9, No. 6, November/December 1996
    "Electronic Reflections: Dozing, Dreaming, Voilà !", "Congratulations T&I Graduates", "Meeting Review: NOTIS Annual Meeting 1996", Cascadia '96: "You Don't Catch Fleas with Ten Fingers", "Drugs: These Were Not Nodding Matters", "Explosives: Where There's Smoke, There May Be a Criminal"

Informal Newsletters & NOTIS News 1988

Informal Newsletters & NOTIS News 1987

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