Yvonne Simpson is the Medical Interpreter Supervisor at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. She holds a Master of Arts in Spanish (Linguistics) and has significant experience in interpreting, translating, teaching and training. Yvonne is a DSHS Certified Spanish Medical Interpreter and is a Certified Medical Interpreter through the National Board. She is also a Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Check-in at 12:30. PLEASE ARRIVE AT 12:30 to sign in.
Class from 1:00 – 5:15 p.m.
The Evergreen State College, Seminar II A1107 2700 Evergreen Pkwy NW, Olympia, WA 98505
$40 NOTIS members $60 Non-members (Click to Join NOTIS).
Via the web (before 5:00 p.m. on July 26th) Click on the Register button to register.

After registering, you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through.
Mail in registration is not available for this workshop. Please submit a separate registration for each person registering.
Space in this workshop is limited. Registration will be limited to the first 50 applicants.
Limited on-site registration will be allowed for this workshop if fewer than 50 participants have pre-registered. The on-site registration fee for NOTIS members will be $50; the on-site fee for non-NOTIS members will be $75. There is no guarantee that there will be handouts available for anyone who does not pre-register.
We regret that no refunds can be given after July 26th. A $10 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before July 26th.
The Evergreen State College is located at 2700 Evergreen Pkwy in Olympia. The training will take place in Seminar II A1107. Parking: $3 per vehicle. A map of The Evergreen State College can be found at http://evergreen.edu/tour/gethere. Parking is free on weekends.
CE credits?
Four continuing education credits are approved from the Washington State DSHS, WA AOC, and CCHI. Four continuing education credits are being requested for this workshop from the ATA. Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop.
Anything else?
If you require accommodation, please contact the NOTIS Office Manager (officemanager@notisnet.org) at least 3 weeks in advance if possible.
In order to offer this workshop at this low price, no refreshments will be served. Please feel free to bring snacks if you wish.
Questions about class content? Please contact Yvonne Simpson at simpsony@uw.edu. Questions about registration? Please contact Naomi Uchida at officemanager@notisnet.org