The Court Interpreters Division (WITS) of the Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society (NOTIS) presents:
Larry Mitchell, prosecuting attorney for the City of Redmond, WA since 1993
Milena Calderari-Waldron, Washington Court and DSHS Medical & Social Services Certified Spanish Interpreter
Saturday, September 9, 2017
9:30 – 4:30 PM
Brightwater Center, Woodinville, WA
Credit update:
Impartiality at Any Cost?
Approved for 3 ethics credits from WA AOC and OJD, 3 general credits CA CIMCE, 3 ID CEUs, 3 ATA CE and 3 ethics credits WA DSHS.
The Duty to Seek Justice
Approved for 2 general credits from WA AOC, OJD, CA CIMCE, ID and 2 ATA CE credits.
9:30 - 9:55 |
Bring your registration confirmation with you. ARRIVE EARLY! No sign-in for credit for morning session allowed after 10:00. No exceptions will be made.
10:00 – 12:00
The Duty to Seek Justice
Larry Mitchell
- How does a criminal case begin?
- How does a prosecutor get involved in a criminal case?
- Procedural steps in court
- Prosecutor’s process in preparing offer to resolve case
- Panel discussion: Larry Mitchell along with Tammy McAlyea, Prosecutor.
12:00 – 12:15 |
Certificates of attendance for this session will be provided to all who signed in before 10:00 a.m. and stayed until 12:00 p.m. |
12:15 – 1:15 |
Lunch break - Lunch box provided on-site |
1:15 – 4:30 Ethics
15 min. break
Impartiality at any Cost?
Milena Calderari-Waldron
Our society has high expectations for professional interpreters. This workshop will explore interpreters’ imperative to be impartial and neutral.
Workshop outline:
- Axiology: impartiality, neutrality, integrity & honesty
- Our all too human brain: heuristics, framing and cognitive dissonance reduction
- The temptation to advocate: cultural interference and tribalism
- I was just the interpreter: due obedience and the Nuremberg defense
- The Good Samaritan’s duty to rescue
4:30 – 5:00 |
Certificates of attendance for this session will be provided to all who signed in before 1:15 p.m. and stayed until 4:30 p.m. |
Free all-day parking.
Brightwater Center, 22505 State Route 9 SE, Woodinville, WA 98072-6010
For driving directions, see http://www.kingcounty.gov/services/environment/brightwater-center/directions.aspx.
Rates |
Early Bird (Deadline August 1) |
Regular (Deadline September 2) |
Onsite (Space available basis, cash/check payment only) |
NOTIS members |
$43 |
$60 |
$120 |
Non-members |
$60 |
$75 |
$120 |
NOTIS student members |
$35 |
$60 |
Registration Instructions:
Online: Click on the Register button and pay online.

Each person attending must complete a separate registration.
Regular mail: All mail registrations must be received by August 30. Fill out the form online and select “invoice me” on the payment page. A copy of the invoice with mailing instructions will be sent to you.
Onsite registration: Available only if space permits. No membership discounts.
Canadian registration: Please register via PayPal, or enclose a traveler’s check made payable in US dollars.
Refunds: Refunds are available only until August 27 of 2017. A $10 administrative charge will be assessed.
Any questions about content:
Please contact Luisa Gracia, Court Interpreters (WITS) Division Chair at graciacamonml@gmail.com
Any questions about registration:
Please contact Naomi Uchida at officemanager@notisnet.org
If you require special assistance or services relating to disabilities to attend this event, please contact Luisa Gracia, Court Interpreters (WITS) Division Chair at graciacamonml@gmail.com no later than 3 weeks prior to the event.
Payment must be received by August 30.