Interpreting in Cancer Genetics

  • 09/30/2017
  • 09:00 - 15:00 (PDT)
  • Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Classrooms A&B
  • 41


  • Discounted rate for NOTIS member
  • Regular rate for nonmember

NOTIS and Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital / Virginia Mason present

Interpreting in Cancer Genetics

Genetics a topic that is coming up more often in more healthcare settings, from primary care to cancer care. But highly technical vocabulary and complex medical concepts can present real challenges to interpreters who are not familiar with the concepts and vocabulary related to genetics.

This 5-hour workshop was developed by veteran interpreter trainer Cindy Roat and UCSF anthropologist Dr. Galen Joseph as part of a pioneering program at UCSF to help cancer genetic counselors communicate more effectively with their patients. This class is designed for interpreters who have already received basic training, and covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to Cancer Genetics
  • The Vocabulary of Cancer Genetics
    (bilingual glossaries will be made available in English-Spanish, English-Cantonese/Traditional Chinese, and English-Russian)
  • Practice interpreting
    (bilingual dialogues will be made available in English-Spanish, English-Cantonese, and English-Russian.)
  • Interpreting Challenges

Who is teaching? Cindy Roat is a national consultant and trainer with 23 years’ experience in the healthcare interpreting field. With an MPH in International Health Services, Cindy has made significant contributions to the healthcare interpreting field in the areas of training, program development, policy formulation, advocacy and organizational outreach. Her written works are key resources for interpreters, providers and administrators alike. Cindy was the principal author of Bridging the Gap, and her most recent book, Healthcare Interpreting in Small Bites, is being used as an ancillary text at many basic training programs. Ms. Roat is a former Co-chair of the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC), a founding member of WASCLA, current chair of the Community Interpreter Division of NOTIS, as well as being known nationally as an energetic advocate for the field of health care interpreting and for language access in general. 

Saturday, September 30, 2016

Check-in at 8:30 am.
PLEASE ARRIVE AT 8:30 to sign in.
Class from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, with one hour for lunch

Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital, Classrooms A and B
2811 Tieton Dr., Yakima, WA 98902

$60      NOTIS members
$80      Non-members (Join NOTIS at )  

Via the web
(before midnight on September 27th)  
Click the register button below and pay online.

After registering, you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through.

Please submit a separate registration form for each person registering.

Via regular mail (payment must be received by September 27th)
Fill out the form online and select “invoice me” on the payment page. A copy of the invoice with mailing instructions will be sent to you

Please note: space in this workshop is limited to the first 60 applicants.

We regret that no refunds can be given after September 27th. A $10 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before September 27th.  

Directions to Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital can be found at

In order to offer this unique opportunity at an affordable price, no refreshments or lunch will be provided. We encourage you to bring your own coffee and snacks, and there is a cafeteria at the hospital where you may purchase lunch.

CE credits?  Five CE credits for this workshop are approved from the Washington State AOC, the Washington State DSHS, and from CCHI.        
Five CE credits for this workshop are being requested from the ATA. ATA credits are accepted by IMIA/NBCMI.
Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop.

Anything else?         
If you require accommodation, please contact the NOTIS Office Manager ( at least 3 weeks in advance if possible.

In order to offer this workshop at this low price, no refreshments will be served. Please feel free to bring snacks if you wish.

Questions about class content? Please contact Cindy Roat at

Questions about registration? Please contact Naomi Uchida at

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