On Demand: Interpreting Special Diets for Interpreters (Self-Paced Course with Continuing Education Credits) 3.5 CEUs by DSHS (#809). CCHI, ATA, IMIA/NBCMI $48/Members

  • 03/12/2025
  • 03/11/2028
  • Online. Watch the recording and earn CEUs


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NOTIS’s Community Interpreters Division presents:

Interpreting Special Diets
Presented by Sara Greenlee and Megan Greenlee 

NOTE: This is a pre-recorded workshop reformatted for on-demand viewing.

Course Description: 

This on-demand workshop walks interpreters through explanations and examples of teachings for the most common specialized diets that patients are put on. Our Registered Dietitian, Megan Greenlee, will review the ketogenic diet, elimination diets for FPIES and EOE, gluten- and dairy-free diets, and more, giving detailed examples of patient education for each one. Participants will have the opportunity to practice specific interpreting skills, like retention and accuracy, that will be needed to interpret dietary teachings in the course of their work. The presentation includes valuable insights and practical applications for interpreters working in medical settings.

Watch at your convenience and earn continuing education credits!

Learning Objectives:

  • Become familiar with the most common types of special diets and the conditions they are used to treat
  • Be exposed to vocabulary and phrases used to teach patients about special diets
  • Build a glossary of foods that are mentioned during diet teachings
  • Improve interpretation-related skills that will be needed in encounters with patients following special diets, specifically: asking targeted questions, improving memory to interpret lists of food, and working on accuracy in self-practice.

Participants will receive presentation slides and key dietary terms.
Click HERE for more information on this workshop.

$48 NOTIS members, $78 nonmembers (Click to Join NOTIS)

After registering, you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through. Registration confirmation will include a video link, a quiz link, presentation slides, and instructions on how to receive a certificate of completion.

Steps on how to receive your certificate:

  1. Watch the recording (3 hours).
  2. Take a 30-question quiz.
  3. Receive a certificate of attendance within five business days.
A quiz link is on the registration confirmation and on the description of the recording. You need a passing grade of 80% for CEUs to be awarded.

CE credits 

  Credits  Approval Status 
Washington State DSHS 3.5 general  Approved (Approval number:809)
WA AOC 3.5 Pending
ATA 3 self-study hours 3 self-study hours may be able to claim ATA CEPs from this recorded event. Please go to the ATA website at https://www.atanet.org/certification/continuing-education-requirement/ and review 'Category B, Self-study' for more information.)
CCHI 1 performance, 2 instructional hours Approved : CEAP ID 10418
IMIA/NBCMI 0.3 CEU Approved, Registry ID: 24-1081

Agency Codes:
WA AOC - Washington Administrative Office of the Courts
OJD - Oregon Judicial Department
ATA - American Translators Association
WA DSHS - Washington Dept. of Social and Human Services
CA CIMCE - California Court Interpreter Minimum Continuing Education Credit
CCHI - Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters
IMIA/NBCMI - International Medical Interpreters Association/The National Board of Certification of Medical Interpreters

NOTIS issues proof of continuing education at the time it is earned. NOTIS does not guarantee the replacement of lost certificates.

Who is teaching?

Sara Greenlee, CT, CHI™-Spanish is a medical translator and interpreter who works both in-house and as a freelancer. She is ATA (ES>EN) and CCHI certified. Currently, Sara serves as assistant administrator to the ATA Medical Division. She holds a master’s degree in Translation and Interpretation from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS). Her career in medical interpretation began at Stanford Children’s Hospital in California and she currently works at Children’s Hospital of Orange County in Southern California. Sara gives trainings for interpreters and continues to share her knowledge within the profession whenever she can.

Megan Greenlee Mapes is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Specialist in Pediatrics. Megan became a dietitian after earning her first degree in baking and pastry art and becoming fascinated by the science behind food. That experience paired with a desire for a career that would allow her to help others made clinical nutrition and dietetics the obvious choice. She graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2015 and moved to West Virginia to complete her dietetic internship at Ruby Memorial Hospital of West Virginia University. After passing her RD exam in 2016, Megan went into clinical care and eventually made her way to pediatrics. In 2021 Megan passed her Certified Specialist in Pediatrics exam. Megan comes from the world of pediatric gastroenterology with ample experience in failure to thrive, infant feeding concerns, formula and breast milk fortification, nutrition support (all tube feeding types and TPN), picky eaters, constipation, IBS, IBD and healthy lifestyle. While Megan loves the pediatric population, she also sees adult patients and enjoys empowering patients to focus on their health and not their weight and finding ways to incorporate all foods into a healthy lifestyle.

Refunds? On-demand workshops are nonrefundable. Transfer of credit to another workshop is not allowed.

    Questions? Email NOTIS

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