NOTIS’ Northwest Literary Translators present:
Translation Slam 2024!

The ever-popular Translation Slam returns for another round! This year, we'll feature a challenging text in French, and competing interpretations by human (and maybe non-human) translators. Audience participation encouraged. No knowledge of French required.
Expect fierce competition from:
- Arwen Dewey, who has worked on projects ranging from 18th century fairy tales to 21st century running shoe manuals
- Elise Kruidenier, a translator of non-fiction texts about history, literature, and video games
- Zakiya Hanafi, who translates humanities books and interprets in hospitals and immigration court
...moderated by the calm hand of esteemed referee Rich Watts, UW Associate Professor of French and co-founder of the Translation Studies Hub.
Please bring a beverage of your choice to share!
Cost: $5 for NOTIS and Folio members | $15 general*

*A one-year membership at NOTIS is just $55 (or $25 if you’re a student), and saves you $$ on event registrations (many of the literary events are even free for members!). To learn more, visit notisnet.org/why-join.