On Demand: Criminal Motions 101 - Washington State General Criminal Procedure and Motions Practice for Interpreters (Watch the recording and earn continuing education credits) 2 CEUs by AOC and OJD $20/Members

  • 02/29/2024
  • 02/18/2025
  • Online. Watch the recording and earn CEUs


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The NOTIS Legal Division presents:

Criminal Motions 101 
WA State General Criminal Procedure & Motions Practice for Interpreters
Presented by Gabriel I. Banfi, Attorney at Law

Attention: Registration closes on February 17th, but the viewing period runs until March 18th, 2025. Please watch the recording and submit attendance codes by the deadline.

NOTE: This is a pre-recorded workshop reformatted for on-demand viewing.

What is this about? 
Please join us to review general criminal procedure for the Superior Courts and for the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction in the State of Washington. Discussion will emphasize the scope, purpose, and construction of Arraignments, Pre-Trial Conferences, Omnibus Hearings, Motions Hearings, Bench and Jury Trials, and Sentencings. The topics will focus on basic understanding for Interpreters and how they may improve their role as an important part of the judicial process.

In addition, this webinar will discuss the general background of Motions practice in the Criminal Justice system and how pre-trial Motions do affect how a case is presented to the Court and a Jury. Emphasis will be placed on typical Motions raised during a Criminal Trial such as the 3.5 Motion to Suppress Statements made by a defendant and 3.6 Motion to Suppress physical evidence raised in a criminal proceeding.

Handouts: A syllabus and two sample trial documents.

$20 NOTIS members, $30 non-membes (Click to
 Join NOTIS)

Online only. After registering, you will receive an email confirmation.  Registration confirmation will include a video link, handouts, and instructions on how to receive a certificate of attendance. If you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through.

  1. Watch the recording (2 hours)
  2. Make a note of the two attendance codes from the recording
  3. Email the attendance codes to NOTIS (info@notisnet.org)
  4. Receive a certificate of attendance within five business days

Continuing Education Credits:

   Approved credits 
 WA State AOC (Administrative of courts)  2 performance
 OJD (Oregon Judicial Department)  2 general

CEUs were not requested from DSHS. 
NOTIS does not guarantee the replacement of lost certificates.

Who is teaching? 
Gabriel I. Banfi has over 28 years of experience as an attorney helping many people from all walks of life. He has helped defendants in high profile nationally known cases as well as low-level local misdemeanors and everything in between. Gabriel sees the person behind the charges as an individual with rights and approaches their situation with the compassion and dignity that they deserve. Fluent in both written and spoken Spanish.

Notable Cases 

  • State v. Mary K. Letourneau, King County Superior Court, 1997

  • State v. Alvin Willis, King County Superior Court, Second Strike Sex Case, 2000

  • In re Inquest of Nelson Martinez Mendez, Bellevue Police Shooting, August 2001

  • Mohammed Sakhi V. Janet Reno, 9' Circuit Court of Appeals, Asylum and Withholding of Deportation (Argued before 9h' Circuit Court of Appeals)

  • State v Victor Torres Zuniga, Snohomish County Superior Court, Murder in the First Degree- 2023-2024

On-demand workshops are nonrefundable. Transfer of credits to another workshop is not allowed.



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