On Demand: Interpreting for Psychosocial Evaluations (watch the recording and earn continuing education credits) 2 CEUs by DSHS (#732), AOC, OJD, CCHI, ATA, CIMCE. 0.2 by IMIA/NBCMI $30/Members

  • 01/05/2024
  • 12/27/2026
  • Online. Watch the recording and earn CEUs



NOTIS’ Community Interpreters Division presents

Interpreting for Psychosocial Evaluations

Presented by Robin Ragan

This is a pre-recorded workshop reformatted into on-demand.

What is it about?

Get familiar with the who, what, where, and why of a psychosocial evaluation from the context of nursing, social work, criminal and immigration law. Learn about the ways a psychosocial evaluation is different from mental health therapy. We will also cover the unique features of this type of evaluation so that the interpreter can anticipate the format and flow, ranging from syntax to emotionally charged content. Find out what skills you need for this type of interpretation and what you can do to improve those skills.  We will also practice with a mock script! 

Learning Goals:

  • Describe the purpose of a  Psychosocial Evaluation in various contexts

  • Anticipate the format and flow of a psychosocial evaluation

  • Describe challenges interpreting for these sessions

  • Name coping strategies for the interpreter

  • Know how to get involved

Cost?$30 NOTIS members, $50 Non-members (Click to Join NOTIS)

Registration?After registering, you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through. Registration confirmation will include a video link, a quiz link, presentation slides, and instructions on how to receive a certificate of attendance.

  1. Watch the recording (2 hours).
  2. Take a 24-question quiz
  3. Receive a certificate of attendance within five business days.

A quiz link is on the registration confirmation and on the description of the recording. You need a passing grade of 80% for CEs to be awarded.

CE credits? 

   Credits  Approval Status 
Washington State DSHS  2 general   Approved (#732)
Washington State AOC  2 performance   Approved
Oregon Judicial Department  2 general Approved 
ATA  2 self-study hours 2 self-study hours may be able to claim ATA CEPs from this recorded event. Please go to the ATA website at https://www.atanet.org/certification/continuing-education-requirement/ and review 'Category B, Self-study' for more information.)
CCHI  2 instructional hours  Approved (CEAP ID #10321)
IMIA/NBCMI  0.2 CEU Approved (Registry ID: 23-1027)
 CIMCE  2 hours  Approved (CIMCE#L7194)

NOTS issues proof of continuing education at the time it is earned. NOTIS does not warranty the replacement of lost certificates.

Who is teaching?Robin Ragan is a professor of Spanish at Knox College in Illinois, teaching in a translation and interpreter training program designed by her. She earned her CMI-Spanish since 2016, and is a Illinois state court interpreter as well. In 2020 she earned the Global Engagement Initiative Award from the American Council on Teachers of Foreign Languages Global for her translation and interpreting program at Knox, and a Humanities Innovation Grant from the Modern Languages Association to support new coursework on “Interpreting for Crisis Contexts in Immigration”. Robin is also a collaborator with Americans Against Language Barriers where she trains future medical interpreters and frequently teaches units on Modes, Roles, Ethics and Vicarious Trauma. She interprets for psychosocial evaluations on a weekly basis through her work with immigrant populations and asylum seekers.

Refunds? On-demand workshops are nonrefundable. Transfer of credit to another workshop is not allowed.

    Questions? Email NOTIS

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