NOTIS’s Translation Division presents:
How to Be a Translator or Interpreter and Not Go Broke
Presented by Helen Eby

In this 2-hour webinar, we will consider the business of interpreting/translation from a variety of perspectives to develop a successful business plan.
During the webinar, the instructor will engage attendees by:
Asking questions for them to reply to in the chat, and cocreating answers to questions on a spreadsheet based on those questions.
Asking for participants comments at the end of every section and will occasionally reply to comments as she teaches without prompting.
Asking participants how they can apply the principles being discussed in their work environment.
Responses through the chat will be shared verbally so those who do not have access to the chat can participate as fully as possible.
Handouts: Registrants will receive outline and rate-rationales.
This webinar will be recorded. The recording will be available for one month from the workshop date.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. PST
Check-in at 6:50 p.m.

Two reminders will be sent: the first arriving three days before the workshop, and the second arriving on the day before. Each reminder will include log-on instructions and class handouts if applicable.

$5 for NOTIS members
This is a members-only event.
(Click to Join NOTIS)

Before you register, make sure that your online setup meets the equipment and connectivity requirements. Requirements

Register by May 17th. After registering, you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through.
Credits Requested |
Approval Status |
2 general |
Approved (Approval number:761)
2 general |
Approved |
2 general |
Approved |
2 |
Approved (category A) |
Agency Codes:
WA AOC - Washington Administrative Office of the Courts
OJD - Oregon Judicial Department
ATA - American Translators Association
WA DSHS - Washington Dept. of Social and Human Services
CA CIMCE - California Court Interpreter Minimum Continuing Education Credit
CCHI - Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters
IMIA/NBCMI - International Medical Interpreters Association/The National Board of Certification of Medical Interpreters

Helen Eby registered her business, Gaucha Translations, with the State of Oregon as Gaucha Translations in 2010, but has been working as a translator and interpreter for over 30 years in the United States and in Latin America. She is a certified Spanish court interpreter (Oregon and Washington), a certified Spanish health care interpreter (Oregon Healthcare Authority), an ATA Certified translator (Spanish to English) and a Washington DSHS Certified Document Translator (English to Spanish). As she has provided trainings and been involved in leadership, she has been involved in discussions with stakeholders from all sides. This presentation is designed to help interpreters and translators consider their work from a variety of perspectives, including the client’s viewpoint, in order to become professionals who have a profitable enterprise. She has given versions of this presentation for Interpreters United in Washington State, the New England Translators Association, the American Translators Association, the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators, the Oregon Society of Translators and Interpreters, and for the Congreso San Jerónimo, by the Organización Mexicana de Traductores, in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop. Please allow yourself enough time to log on and sign in before the webshop begins. While latecomers are welcome to stay for the educational value of the webshop, DSHS will not provide CE credit if you arrive late, for any reason. Certificates will be emailed the following week.
No refunds for this workshop. Credit transfer to another workshop is not allowed. No refunds will be given for reasons unrelated to this content, such as unstable Internet connection, failure to receive reminders, third-party application issues, or system requirement issues.

If you require accommodation, please contact NOTIS at least 3 weeks in advance if possible.