Legal Division and Washington Administrative Office of the Courts invite you to join
Introduction to the Standards of Practice and Ethics for Judiciary Interpreters Part 1: Accuracy, Honesty & Integrity, and Competence
taught by Milena Calderari-Waldron, Emma Garkavi, and Linda Noble
WA AOC (Washington State Administrative of Courts) is awarding 1.5 Ethics Credits for this webinar.
OJD (Oregon Judicial Department) is awarding 1.5 credits for this webinar.
When? Part 1: Friday, May 20th, 2022, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. PST
Check-in at 2:50 p.m. PLEASE CHECK IN AT 2:50 p.m. to sign in.
Note: Part 1 and part 2 would be related but not dependent on each other. You can attend part one even if you don’t attend part two.
Three days in advance, and again the day before the event, you will receive reminder emails with log-on instructions. Email or Text/Call 425-247-0684 (voice message only) if you don't receive a reminder. Skype Name: live:notisnet
Cost? $15
What is this about? Judiciary interpreters are all too often set adrift solo on the rough waters of the courts, with little to guide them, tossed about by misguided and conflicting opinions of attorneys, defendants and even judges. The just published Washington State Standards of Practice and Ethics for Judiciary Interpreters endeavors to serve as a comprehensive guide and moral compass, written by and for court interpreters. The authors/presenters take a deep dive into complex and often controversial topics such as conflict of interest, advocacy, confidentiality/privilege and perceived bias, as well as elaborating on the key elements of accuracy—the north star of interpreting.
Part 1 will focus on the following chapters of the Standards: Accuracy, Honesty & Integrity, and Competence.
During the class, participants will use the manual and will need to have a copy to take part. Interpreters who are credentialed with the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts can order a free printed copy of the manual using this form: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6817979/Standards-of-Practice-Manual-Order-Form.
You can find an online version of the manual on this webpage: Standards of Practice and Ethics for Washington State Judiciary Interpreters
Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop. Please allow yourself enough time to log on and sign in before the webshop begins. While latecomers are welcome to stay for the educational value of the webshop, we will not provide CE credit if you arrive late, for any reason.
No refunds can be given after May 16th. A $10 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before May 16th. Contact the NOTIS office manager for cancellation. Transfer of credits to another workshop is not allowed. No refunds will be given for reasons unrelated to this content, such as unstable internet connection, not receiving reminders, or problems with system requirements.
Registration will be automatically canceled if payment is not received within 15 minutes. Mail-in registration is not available.
Be sure to read System Requirements for Zoom.
Who are teaching?
Milena Calderari-Waldron, WA State Court Certified Spanish Interpreter, DSHS Certified Spanish Medical and Social Services Interpreter, DSHS Certified English to Spanish Translator. General Certificate of English, University of Cambridge. O levels in Spanish, French, and Latin, University of London. Licence d'Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie, Paris I PanthéonSorbonne. Drafting member of ASTM F2089-15 Standard Practice for Language Interpreting. Co-author of GR 11.2 and GR 11.4.
Emma Garkavi, WA and CA States Court Certified Russian Interpreter, American Translators Association Certified English to Russian Translator. Equivalent of BA in English Studies, St. Petersburg State Language School. Equivalent of MS in Electronics Engineering, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University. Drafting member of ASTM F2089-15 Standard Practice for Language Interpreting. Co-author of GR 11.2, GR 11.4, and WA Bench Card for Courtroom Interpreting (Spoken Languages).
Linda Noble, WA State Court Certified Russian Interpreter, American Translators Association Certified Russian to English Translator. BA in Russian Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz. Pushkin Institute of Russian Language, Moscow, USSR. Co-author of GR 11.2, GR 11.4, and WA Bench Card for Courtroom Interpreting (Spoken Languages).
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Questions about contents? Email to Legal Division
Question about registration? Email to office manager