During this webinar, participants will learn about telehealth and how language assistance needs for spoken and signed languages have been addressed for routine and COVID-related care in hospitals, clinics, home-based services, and other settings in different regions of Washington State. Speakers will share challenges and efforts to find solutions, impacts for medical interpreters, developing community supports, and benefits of telehealth that merit being continued on a regular basis.Continuing Education Credits: WASCLA has applied for CE credits for medical interpreters from WA-DSHS and CCHI for this webinar. Approvals are pending.Interpreter Services: WASCLA is providing American Sign Language and Spanish interpretation for this webinar. Please contact WASCLA if you have any questions at: wascla.lep@gmail.comRegistration & Cost to Attend: We are offering this webinar on a pay-what-you-can basis. WASCLA is a small nonprofit language justice organization with very limited resources, and depends on those who support our work to cover the costs of important services and programs like this webinar. We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has burdened many of our supporters, and therefore are asking participants to pay what they can towards registration. Here are instructions for this 2-step process:1) Register for the webinar, HERE Here is the registration link for the event/ https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ecHm3IFHQ4Cv-BPjvhSC2A2) To make a donation to WASCLA, CLICK HERE and add a note indicating Feb. 11 Telehealth Webinar Donation. You can also find the Donate button on the WASCLA website at www.wascla.org.Please check the Events page on the WASCLA website for additional program details and updates.We look forward to having this important conversation with you all,
When COVID-19 protocols largely closed down in-person healthcare services, telehealth quickly became an important care access solution. Some healthcare settings were able to quickly adapt their language services to include telehealth, while in others, new language barriers were created, or existing gaps worsened.
***Please note that this event is not organized or sponsored by NOTIS.***
(c) Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society (NOTIS)A Chapter of the American Translators Association (ATA)
12819 SE 38th St. #205, Bellevue, WA 98006 Voicemail/Text: +1(425) 247-0684Email: info@notisnet.org