NOTIS’ Community Interpreters Division presents
Drugs, Alcohol and Fentanyl: Interpreting for Chemical Dependency Patients by Judit Marin
Summary: Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States was in the midst of an opioid crisis. The demand to interpret at chemical dependency programs will continue to increase as patients struggle with additional problems such as financial hardships, job loss and difficulties to access care due to the focus on treatment for COVID-19. This presentation will review specific terminology related to addiction, particularly opioid pain medications, illicit drugs such as non-pharmaceutical Fentanyl, and other substances. We will also discuss the special challenges for interpreters in this field: patients’ language filled with drug-related slang, and unique references to the world of addiction. This presentation will provide the tools to successfully interpret in group-treatment therapy and in the ever-evolving world of chemical dependency. Participants will receive glossaries in the following languages: Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian.
What you will learn:
General introduction to the most commonly abused prescription and non-prescription drugs, and other substances.
Define and discuss specific vocabulary related to chemical dependency (pill mill, doctor shopping, uppers/downers, enabler, binge drinking, gateway drug, etc.).
Challenges interpreters face: lack of training, complexity of language (slang, high/low register), complexity of chemical dependency (medical, psychological, social, legal, financial challenges), logistics of appointments (group therapy, simultaneous interpretation equipment).
Interpreting Skills Practice:
Consecutive interpretation: participants will interpret sentences with specific vocabulary related to chemical dependency.
Simultaneous interpretation: participants will receive an audio file from instructor in advance which they can download (smartphones/tablets/laptops). Participants interpret simultaneously a speech by patient in chemical dependency recovery group therapy.
An Interactive Webshop
A webshop is just like an interactive onsite class, but held online through Zoom. During a webshop, you can ask questions and engage in discussion. You may be divided into “break-out” rooms where you’ll be working with other participants on exercises or on practicing a skill. There may be quizzes and polls. So, while there may be some PowerPoint and lecture, this is not like your typical webinar. Your full attention and participation is expected; that’s what makes it fun!
When? Saturday, February 27th, 2021
Check-in at 9:15 a.m. PLEASE ARRIVE AT 9:15 to sign in.
Class from 9:30am – 12:30pm
Where? Online via Zoom 
Cost? $50 NOTIS members, $80 Non-members (Click to Join NOTIS).
Registration? Via the web (before February 22nd) After registering, you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through. Online registration only. If registering for more than one person, please submit a separate registration for each. Participation in this workshop will be limited to the first 30 candidates to register.
CE credits? Credit status will be updated upon approval.
Credits Requested
Approval Status
Washington State DSHS
3 general
Approved (#563)
Washington State AOC
- Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop. Please allow yourself enough time to log on and sign in before the webshop begins. While latecomers are welcome to stay for the educational value of the webshop, DSHS will not provide CE credit if you arrive late, for any reason.
Before you register, make sure that your online setup meets the equipment and connectivity requirements. Click on the “Requirements” button below to see requirements.
Refunds? We regret that no refunds can be given after February 22nd. A $10 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before February 22nd.

About the presenter:
Judit Marin is a freelance Spanish interpreter, translator, and trainer based in Northern California. She is an ATA-certified (English>Spanish) translator and a California Certified Medical Interpreter. She holds an M.A. in Spanish from U.C. Santa Barbara and a B.A. in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona. She currently serves as Vice President and Continuing Education Director for the Northern California Translators Association (NCTA). Judit teaches in the Translation and Interpreting Program at Evergreen Valley College in San Jose, California. She received the Interpreter of the Year Award from the California Healthcare Interpreting Association (CHIA) at their annual conference in 2018. You can contact her at marinjudit@gmail.com and follow her on Twitter: @juditoak.

Anything else? If you require accommodation, contact the NOTIS Office Manager at least 3 weeks in advance if possible.
Questions about class content? Contact Judit Marin
Questions about registration? Contact NOTIS OFFICE MANAGER