NOTIS is pleased to welcome Veronika Demichelis for an online workshop on the field of localization. Veronika will provide an introduction to localization, followed by hands-on practice activities in small groups.
Course description:
As businesses expand their global reach and try to succeed in new markets, it becomes crucial for companies to market their products and services to local customers. The 2012 report by Common Sense Advisory revealed that 72% of consumers spend most or all their time on websites in their own language. Additionally, over 70% of consumers said they would be more likely to buy a product with information in their own language. But considering language alone is not enough—customers want to feel that a website or an app was made specifically for them, with their interests and needs in mind.
Language professionals specializing in localization help clients adapt their products or content to a specific market and pay attention to all the details that make the final product feel truly native. With the continued growth of the localization industry, there are many opportunities for language professionals to find rewarding work in this field.
Participants of this workshop will:
- become more familiar with localization industry, processes, needs, and requirements,
- understand what roles language professionals play in localization projects, what skills are required, and how to find work in this area,
- learn what challenges typically arise in localization projects and what strategies can be helpful,
- work on various localization scenarios in small groups and get feedback and advice from the instructor.
Two Continuing Education Credits have approved by the ATA.
$30 NOTIS members, $50 Non-members (Click to Join NOTIS)
Workshop date: January 9th 10am~12pm
The Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the event. Once you receive the Zoom link, you must register using that Zoom link.
Presentation (1 hour)
- Understanding the localization industry
- Untangling the jargon: globalization, internationalization, and localization. Role of transcreation in the localization process
- Localization needs
- Localization process
- Quality assurance in localization
- Role of language professionals in localization projects
- What services language professionals can provide
- What skills are necessary
- Role of localization project managers
- Role of translation management systems
- Challenges in localization projects and strategies for addressing them:
- Verbal and non-verbal elements of content
- Quality assurance
- Collaboration across multidisciplinary and multilingual teams
Practice (1 hour):
- Participants will work in small groups (using Zoom Breakout rooms) on various localization scenarios. They will identify challenges and discuss possible solutions. The instructor will visit all the groups and offer feedback and advice. (30 minutes)
- Participants will then reconvene and discuss their conclusions with the rest of the group and the instructor. (30 minutes)
About the instructor:
Veronika Demichelis is a freelance English to Russian translator (ATA-certified), specializing in localization, marketing, corporate communication, human resources, and social responsibility. She has over 15 years of training and experience in translation and holds an MA in Linguistics and Intercultural Communication and an MBA in Human Resources Management. Veronika teaches localization and audiovisual translation in the Translation and Interpretation Program at Houston Community College and serves as member of the Program’s Advisory Committee. She currently serves as Director on the Board of American Translators Association (ATA), Chair of ATA’s Professional Development Committee, member of the ATA’s Membership Committee, and Leadership Council member of ATA’s Slavic Languages Division. Veronika is a member of Houston Interpreters and Translators Association (HITA), ATA’s affiliate, where she served as Professional Development Director from 2018 to 2020.
Refunds? No refunds can be given after January 4th. A $10 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before January 4th. Contact the NOTIS office manager for cancellation. Transfer of credits to another workshop is not allowed.
Registration will be automatically canceled if payment is not received within 15 minutes. Online registration only.
Contact NOTIS Office manager