One of the fastest changing fields in medicine, genetics come up more and more often in more and more healthcare settings. And it generally involves highly technical vocabulary and complex medical concepts. New challenges for interpreters!
This 8-hour workshop is a special opportunity to focus on prenatal genetics and pediatric genetics. Adapting two curricula that were developed in collaboration with the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, this workshop includes:
basic concepts in genetics
the role of the genetic counselor
what to expect at a genetics appointment
genetic testing
genetic syndromes and conditions
general issues in genetic counseling
Technical vocabulary is introduced and exercises help the interpreter learn new terms both in English and a non-English language. This workshop also includes interpreting exercises based on real-life prenatal and pediatric genetic interviews. You will have an opportunity to practice! Language-specific glossaries and practice exercises are provided in Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese and Arabic.
Trainer: Cindy Roat, MPH
Further information and registration at
*Please note that NOTIS is not sponsoring or organizing this event. Please contact ARCOS INSTITUTE for more information.*
(c) Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society (NOTIS)A Chapter of the American Translators Association (ATA)
12819 SE 38th St. #205, Bellevue, WA 98006 Voicemail/Text: +1(425) 247-0684Email: