Saturday, August 3, 10:00AM-1:00PM
Blyth Park, Bothell, WA
Read to the end for important details!
Come one, come all, and bring your family to a NEW location for the NOTIS Summer Picnic! This year we will be hosting this fun event at Blyth Park in Bothell, surrounded by the tranquil shade of numerous giant pine trees adjacent to the large picnic shelter we have reserved for everyone's enjoyment! Please bring something to share, and we promise you juicy, summery watermelon, and a grill on which to cook your meat. Challenge new friends to a round of frisbee golf on a popular, well-established course through the forest, or just sit in the shade or sun, and enjoy what we are predicting is going to be a gorgeous, sunny day. Your children will be entertained for hours on the swings, slides, monkey bars, and the majestic tire mountain (all directly adjacent to our picnic shelter, so you can keep an eye on them)!
PIE BAKE-OFF! Enter our pie contest! Put on those oven mitts and bring us your favorite home-made pie. Berries will be in season! Wanted: Three NOTIS members with an appetite to taste the delicious pie and determine the winner! The rest of the pies will be our delicious dessert after lunch. (PRIZE TO THE WINNER: Home-made cookies or muffins...guaranteed to be delicious - since the pies will be devoured.)
THREE-LEGGED OBSTACLE COURSE THROUGHOUT THE PARK! Pick a partner and see how well you can get through the park with three legs, while holding a metal spoon and balancing an egg on it. The team that completes the course fastest, with as many eggs as possible INTACT, wins a prize!
CAN YOU FEEL IT?! How would you rate your tactile abilities? Try your hands at guessing the unknown mystery object in the box! Could it be a toad? A pile of mashed potatoes? A kitten? Guess it correctly and win a prize!
There is plenty of parking at Blyth Park, but here are three more options:
Old Wayne Golf Course Conservation Easement (16721 96th Ave. NE, Bothell) - Walk out of the dirt parking lot and through the tunnel with the colorful walls on the adjacent bike path, and cross the bridge over the river that you'll see straight in front of you. Once on the other side of the bridge, you will see a chain link fence alongside Blyth Park. Look for a gate on your right-hand side to enter the park. The park is a three-minute walk from that parking lot.
Red Brick Road Park (16923 96th Ave. NE, Bothell) - About a three minute walk from the park (might be same as above).
Sammamish River Park Parking Lot - If you park in this dirt parking lot, walk one block to the corner (in the opposite direction of the bridge) of 102 Ave. NE and E. Riverside Dr. You will see a paved walkway that runs parallel to E. Riverside Dr. Walk 15 minutes on this serene, paved trail directly to the front entrance of Blyth Park.
The Bothell Park and Ride is adjacent to 102 Ave. NE, so is about a 20-minute walk from Blyth Park.
Questions: Please email Maria Farmer at marsmiley@me.com.