NOTIS and Community Interpreter Division present
Note taking
Glands (9am to 12pm): a Workshop for Healthcare Interpreters
Hormones. We talk a lot about them, but do we know where they come from?
This three-hour training introduces interpreters to major glands of the body, their locations, functions, and related terminology. Join us to learn about lesser-known parts of the body and to become more comfortable in endocrinology and other specialized encounters. Our workshop will be facilitated by PowerPoint presentation and group discussion. You will also have opportunities to practice consecutive interpreting and sight translation. A glossary and labeling handout will be provided.
Note taking (1pm to 4pm): This three-hour training introduces interpreters to the Rozan System of note taking for consecutive interpreting. Participants will consider how note taking can improve their accuracy and fluency in consecutive interpreting scenarios by supporting their short-term memory. Participants will learn the seven-step system and have several opportunities to practice note taking using video recordings and written scenarios. Handouts will be provided and participants are encouraged to bring ample paper and pens for note taking practice!
Who is teaching?
Yvonne Simpson is the Medical Interpreter Supervisor at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. She holds a Master of Arts in Spanish (Linguistics) and has significant experience in interpreting, translating, teaching and training. Yvonne is a DSHS Certified Spanish Medical Interpreter and is a Certified Medical Interpreter through the National Board. She is also a Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator.
When? Saturday, June 15th, 2019
Check-in at 8:30 am. PLEASE ARRIVE AT 8:30 am to sign in.
Class from 9:00 am – 4:00 p.m.
Glands workshop: 9 am to 12pm
Note taking workshop: 1pm to 4 pm
Where? Skagit Valley Hospital, Mt. Vernon
Click HERE for a map of Skagit Valley Hospital
CE credits? Glands workshop (9am to 12pm): Three (3) CE credits have been approved by WA DSHS, ATA, and CCHI. Glands workshop will NOT be accredited by WA AOC.
Note Taking workshop (1pm to 4pm): Three (3) continuing education credits have been approved by the Washington State DSHS, ATA, and CCHI. Three (3) continuing education credits have been requested from the Washington Administrator of the Courts. Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop.
Cost? $60 NOTIS members, $80 Non-members (Click to Join NOTIS).
Registration? Register before 5:00 p.m. on June 12th)
Click HERE to register.
After registering, you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through
If registering for more than one person, please submit a separate registration for each.
Mail in registration is not available for this workshop. Registration will be automatically canceled if payment is not received within 15 minutes.
Registration will be limited to the first 50 applicants. There will be no on-site registration on the day of class.
Refunds? We regret that no refunds can be given after June 10th, 2019. A $10 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before June 10th.
Site information: Skagit Valley Hospital is located at 1415 E Kincaid St. in Mount Vernon.The training will take place in the Sahale Conference Room. It is located at the south end of the hospital closest to the corner of Kincaid and 13th Streets.
Parking is free on weekends.
Food? In order to offer this unique opportunity at an affordable price, no refreshments will be provided. We encourage you to bring your own water, coffee and snacks. ALSO, the hospital’s Bistro cafeteria is open on Saturdays, and the Whidbey Coffee Stand can be found a little farther down the same hall. It has salads, pastries, yogurt, and some breakfast sandwiches in addition to all the usual espresso beverages.
Anything else? If you require accommodation, please contact the NOTIS Office Manager (officemanager@notisnet.org) at least 3 weeks in advance if possible.
Questions about class content or logistics? Please contact Yvonne Simpson at simpsony@uw.edu for contents of this workshop.
Questions about registration? Please contact Naomi Uchida at officemanager@notisnet.org.