NOTIS Community Interpreters Division presents
Webinar: Interpreting considerations for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
At times it can be challenging to interpret for patients with dementia - patients might be hard to comprehend or family members may want to communicate for them. For the interpreter, it is useful to consider how to manage these conversations and understand the concept of dementia as a whole. In this two-hour webinar we will learn about the causes, symptoms, and prognoses for dementia and Alzheimer’s; we will discuss practice scenarios to help prepare interpreters for complex encounters; and we will explore how bilingualism can help stave off symptoms of dementia as we age. Join us live or listen to the recording at a later date.
The Community Interpreters Division of NOTIS is excited to offer this training in webinar format. Registrants will receive the webinar address on the day of the webinar. They can participate with the webinar live and ask questions through the GoToWebinar chat feature. A recording of this webinar will be made available for 15 days after the training. Only attendees who register by the deadline and watch the entire webinar will receive a certificate of attendance (and corresponding continuing education units). Registrants who watch the webinar recording for credit will need to submit two attendance codes provided by the trainer during the webinar.

Yvonne Simpson is the Medical Interpreter Supervisor at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. She holds a Master of Arts in Spanish (Linguistics) and has significant experience in interpreting, translating, teaching and training. Yvonne is a DSHS Certified Spanish Medical Interpreter and is a Certified Medical Interpreter through the National Board.
CE credits? Two (2) continuing education credits are approved by the WA DSHS, the WA Administrator of the Courts, the ATA and the CCHI. Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who: 1) watch the entire live webinar, OR 2) watch the entire webinar recording and submit the two attendance codes to webinars@notisnet.org.
When? Two options:
- Participate in the webinar live on Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 from 6pm – 8p.m., and have access to the recording through February 27th.
- Or, watch a recording of the webinar any time between February 13th and February 27th, 2019.
Where? GoToWebinar
Registrants will receive the webinar address on the day of the webinar.
System requirements for GoToWebinar :https://support.logmeininc.com/gotowebinar/help/system-requirements-for-attendees-g2w010003
Cost? $25 NOTIS members, $40 Non-members (Click to Join NOTIS).
Registration? Via the web (register by February 12th)
Click HERE to register.
After registering, you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through.
Mail in registration is not available for this workshop.
Please submit a separate registration for each person registering.
Refunds? We regret that no refunds can be given after February 12th. A $10 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before February 12th.
Webinar? This training is provided via webinar on the GoToWebinar platform. A web address will be emailed to you shortly before the webinar presentation. Attendees will need access to a computer with internet and speakers to listen to the presentation.
*You can watch or re-watch the webinar as many times as you like within the viewing period. All certificates of attendance will be issued within five business days after you have either viewed the live webinar or watched the recording and sent the two attendance codes.
Anything else? If you require accommodation, please contact the NOTIS Office Manager (officemanager@notisnet.org) at least 3 weeks in advance if possible.
Questions about class content? Please contact Yvonne Simpson at simpsony@uw.edu.
Questions about registration? Please contact Naomi Uchida at officemanager@notisnet.org