Interpreter Issues in the Washington State Court of Appeals
What issues have come before the Washington State Court of Appeals since Court Interpreter Certification became available in Washington State dealing with use of Court Interpreters?
Jaye Stover, M.A., Washington State Court Certified Interpreter since 1992 will share information about cases which raised issues regarding the use of Interpreters.
Cases to be included in the discussion, among others, are:
WA ST v. Pham 1994
WA ST v. Jairo Gonzales-Morales, 1999
WA ST v. Jose Lopez Serrano 1999
WA ST v. Mahadi H. Aljaffar 2017
The text of these cases are available on-line, and will be available in the workshop for those pre-registered.
This will be an information sharing workshop, with time for questions about use of interpreter today within the three divisions of the Court of Appeals, on-going issues in courts at which you may interpret, and general societal issues about the use of Interpreters.
Interpreters of Any language combination welcome.
If for any reason this Workshop is cancelled, a full refund of the $30 Administrative and supplies fee will be made.
Jaye Stover, President
The Language Exchange, Inc. Celebrating 31 Years!
Please note that NOTIS does not host this event.