In honor of International Translation Day, please join NOTIS for two days of translation and interpreting events. Don't miss this opportunity to meet your present and future colleagues and learn more about language careers!
**NEW EVENT ADDED: Networking Happy Hour. See below for description and location.**
NOTIS members attend at reduced rates! Not a member? Join today!
Language & Job Fair, Friday, Sept. 28 (2-5 p.m.): Free for members! Our second annual Language & Job Fair featuring more exhibitors than last year! Meet representatives from translation and interpreting agencies, other employers, educational organizations, and non-profits. Share your CV and learn about opportunities. You can even browse and buy books translated by your colleagues!
Networking Happy Hour, Friday, Sept. 28 (5-7 p.m.): A casual networking happy hour with cash bar and food specials at Stanford's Restaurant and Bar at Northgate Mall. It is just a short drive from the conference location. Check out the menu and location here: https://stanfords.com/menu.php?c=northgate&id=Bar%20Menu
Workshops, Saturday, Sept. 29 (8:45 a.m-5 p.m.): Workshops for translators and interpreters on ethics, legal issues, terminology, technology, and more. The schedule below is subject to change - please check back for updates.

NOTIS was recently informed that Esther Navarro-Hall, who was scheduled to present two sessions, is seriously ill and will not be able to attend this event. Please keep Esther and her family in your thoughts. The schedule above has been revised, with a new session by Hiroko Ishii added.
Continuing education credits will be available for specific sessions on Saturday, pending approval, from ATA, WA AOC, OJD, DSHS, CA CIMCE and ID AOC. To earn your credits, you must sign in at the beginning of your session and stay until the end. We cannot make exceptions to this rule!
WA DSHS credits are now approved as follows:
5 credits for attending all day Saturday
WA AOC credits are now approved as follows:
6 CEU hours for attending all day Saturday
ATA CE credits are now approved:
6 CE credits for attending sessions in all time slots on Saturday (1.5 CE credit for each 90-minute session actually attended)
OJD credits are now approved:
1.5 ethics credits for Right vs. Right; 1.5 general credits for all other Saturday sessions EXCEPT Medical Interpreting
Last day to register: September 27th.