Webinar: Introduction to Medical Insurance, Billing, and Medical Debt for Interpreters

Webinar: Introduction to Medical Insurance, Billing, and Medical Debt for Interpreters
05/23/2018 18:00 - 19:30
Location: Webinar

Registered attendees (110)

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Date Name
06/19/2018 Gil-Maciel, Gonzalo
05/31/2018 Khitsko, Yelena
05/25/2018 Chingotto, Estela
05/22/2018 Kunduklija, Hasiba
05/19/2018 Trinh, Cecilia
05/19/2018 Bistuer, Eva
05/18/2018 Avakimova, Anaida
05/17/2018 Anonymous user
05/17/2018 Lee, Sang
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