Ionela Popescu


Member profile details

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First name
Last name
Primary Phone
(425) 773-8751
Translate from these Languages
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Spanish
Translate to these Languages
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Spanish
Interpret these Languages
  • English
  • French
  • Romanian
Work Phone
(425) 773-8751
3205 151st Street SW
State or Province
Zip Code
United States

Professional Details

  • Translation (of a written document)
  • Interpretation (of spoken language)
  • Transcription
  • Editing and/or proofreading
  • Teaching, training, consulting
Other Services Offered
Notarization services.
Other Certification(s)
  • WA DSHS Certified Medical Interpreter
Other Certification(s) besides those listed
Certified as translator/interpreter by the Romanian Ministry of Justice since 2003.
Professional Certificate in Leadership and Communication, Harvard University, USA (2022)
Certificate in Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking, Harvard University, USA (2022)
Certificate in Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles, Harvard University, USA (2020)
Certificate in Shakespeare's Life and Work, Harvard University, USA (2019)
Certificate in Women Making History, Harvard University, USA (2019)
Certificate in Contract Law, Harvard University, USA (2018)
Certificate in Poetry in America: Modernism, Harvard University, USA (2018)
Certificate in Poetry in America: Walt Whitman, Harvard University, USA (2018)
Certificate in Poetry in America: Emily Dickinson, Harvard University, USA (2018)
Certificate in Ancient Greek Studies, Harvard University, USA (2017)
Certificate in Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Harvard University, USA (2017)
Certificate in Masterpieces of World Literature, Harvard University, USA (2016)
Certificate in Leaders of Learning, Harvard University, USA (2016)
Master's Degree in French Literature, University of Craiova, Romania (2000)
Bachelor's Degree in French and English, University of Craiova, Romania (1999)
Certificate in Teachers' Training, I.U.F.M. de Saint-Étienne, Académie de Lyon, France (Scholarship)
Special Experience
15+ years as a translator/interpreter
4 years as a foreign credentials evaluator
7 years as a French, English and Spanish teacher
2 years as an Assistant Professor of English

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