NOTIS’s Community Interpreters Division presents:
Not Just a Headache: Migraine Anatomy and Terminology
Presented by Yuliya Speroff
Course Description: Despite a commonly held belief, migraines are more than just headaches; they are complex neurological disorders that can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life - and even impede their ability to see, speak or move during an attack. This specialized course is designed for medical interpreters seeking to deepen their understanding of migraine, a prevalent neurological disorder affecting millions worldwide. As a medical interpreter, their role is crucial in ensuring that patients receive accurate and empathetic care, particularly when dealing with complex conditions like migraine. This course will equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively interpret medical consultations, diagnoses, and treatment plans related to migraine. By preparing to interpret in encounters related to migraine diagnosis and management, medical interpreters will play a vital role in enhancing patient care, reducing medical errors, and contributing to better health outcomes for those suffering from this debilitating condition.
Learning Goals: After attending this class, the participants will be familiar with:
Definition of migraine
Common types of migraine disorder
The specific medical terminology and phrases commonly used to describe migraine symptoms and manifestations, complications, common treatment options, anatomy and physiology of areas of the brain and the body affected by this disorder
The participants will also have an opportunity to integrate new terminology into their practice by engaging in interpreting skill development activities, such as sight translation and consecutive interpretation exercise.
The class materials were reviewed by Nicholas Karagas MD/PhD, Department of Neurology, UW Medicine.
The class was expanded to a 2-hour class with inclusion of interpreting skills development activities, such as sight translation exercises and consecutive interpretation dialogues.

Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. PST
Check-in at 5:50 p.m. Class from 6 pm - 8 pm.

The day before the webshop, you will receive an email with log-on instructions and with the handouts for the class.
$38 NOTIS member, $68 non-member (Click HERE to join NOTIS)

Before you register, make sure that your online setup meets the equipment and connectivity requirements. To see requirements, click HERE.
Via the web by March 1. After registering, you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through.
This workshop will be recorded, and the recording will be available to all registered participants one month after the workshop date.
Credit status will be updated upon approval
Credits Requested |
Approval Status |
Washington State DSHS |
2 general |
Approved (#799) |
2 |
Approved (Category A) |
2 performance |
Pending |
2 instructional hours |
Approved (CEAP ID:10665) |
0.2 |
Approved (ID: 24-1320) |
NOTE: NOTIS issues proof of continuing education at the time it is earned. NOTIS does not guarantee the replacement of lost certificates.

Yuliya Speroff is a Russian-English CoreCHI™ and DSHS-certified healthcare interpreter. Yuliya first started interpreting over 10 years ago in her hometown of Novosibirsk, Russia and has since interpreted in a variety of settings – from a fighter jet factory to a live brain surgery, and most recently at a number of hospitals in Seattle. Yuliya also holds an MA in Business Management and is certified as both an English and a Russian language instructor with more than 10 years of teaching experience. Yuliya’s The Medical Interpreter Blog focuses on providing medical interpreters with resources and information for continuous professional development.

Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop. Please allow yourself enough time to log on and sign in before the webshop begins. While latecomers are welcome to stay for the educational value of the webshop, DSHS will not provide CE credit if you arrive late, for any reason.
No refunds can be given after March 1. A $15 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before this date. Contact NOTIS for cancellation. Transfer of credits to another workshop is not allowed. No refunds will be given for reasons unrelated to this content, such as unstable internet connection, issued with the third party application, not receiving reminders, or problems with system requirements.

If you require accommodation, please contact NOTIS at least 3 weeks in advance if possible.