Pandemic resources for translators and interpreters

04/09/2020 10:31 | Shelley Fairweather-Vega (Administrator)

NOTIS’s Coronavirus Resources list

Assembled by NOTIS Secretary of the Board Mary McKee

The COVID-19 virus is having a real impact on communities in the Pacific Northwest and around the globe. NOTIS is following the situation closely and seeks to provide real professional support to our members. Many organizations in the language industry have compiled lists of resources, trustworthy professional information of interest, and tips and suggestions, and we would like to share these links below. If you have any other links to share, please comment below:

The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) offers a list of resources to help language professionals help during quarantine:

NAJIT also has a list of practical tips for the daily grind of dealing with coronavirus:

The American Translators Association (ATA) has created a detailed breakdown of the 880-page CARES Act recently passed and how certain provisions affect translators and interpreters:

ATA is compiling a list of resources, which should appear on their website within the first weeks of April. You can still submit resources via this form:

Each state’s governor’s office and employment-related organizations have their own websites with reources relevant to the residents of their state. Please find below links to the main pages for the five states that NOTIS serves:

Washington Governor’s office:

Washington Employment Security department:

Oregon Governor’s office:

Oregon Employment Department:

Alaska Governor’s office:

Alaska Small Business Development Center:

Idaho Governor’s office:

Idaho Department of Commerce:

Montana Governor’s office:

Montana Department of Labor and Industry: