Happy 2017 to our Members!

01/13/2017 11:49 | Elise Kruidenier

On behalf of the NOTIS Board of Directors, I’d like to wish our members a very happy and healthy new year.

2016 was a good year for NOTIS, with many successful continuing education events and social gatherings, and we’re looking forward to another exciting year.  We have a new group of board members, including a fresh new executive committee: if you’d like to check out our new board member team, click here. Our board is run by volunteer power, so if you’re interested in helping out, please get in touch!

This year, we will be offering more webinars, continuing education events, and social events, including member-only events. Stay tuned for more information! We also invite our members to take the initiative and put together their own events, so if you have an idea for a social or continuing education event, let us know! For those living outside of the Seattle region (at least 30 miles outside of Seattle), we offer the opportunity to organize your own social event, subsidized by NOTIS, so we hope more people will take advantage of that program this year. We have a robust member base, with a wide variety of languages and specialties, and the more you get involved, the more vibrant our organization will become!

Thank you for your continued support of NOTIS, and here’s to a successful 2017!